Mainstream Programmes
Program Focus
The mainstream curriculum is developed through teacher observation, evaluation of individual children, and careful creative planning. We trust children to show us what and how to plan and structure their environment. We strive to promote a child's natural curiosity and excitement about learning. We recognize that each child is uniquely different. The teacher's role is to be actively engaged with the children-to co-construct experiences, to observe and research their learning, to discuss and develop learning directions with parents, and to provide an environment that challenges the children.
​Right from the age of two, our toddlers will enjoy participating in songs, rhymes and stories in both English and their mother tongue. Throughout Nursery and Kindergarten, the children will be immersed in a rich, bi-lingual learning environment where hands-on learning activities will ensure a firm foundation in key skill areas.
Program Focus - Toddler Group
The general focus of the toddler program is to provide developmentally-appropriate activities for the children in an environment that provides opportunities for social interaction. As research and our own observations have shown, toddlers first develop relationships with the adults in the classroom and then gradually begin peer interactions. The program is structured to facilitate growth in the individual child's independence and learning through play exploration as well as positive peer interactions. Most of the activities involve sensory exploration because young children learn by doing. We provide many opportunities to muddle in water, sand, playdough, glue and paint.
Program Focus - Three-year-old Group
As three-year-olds, the children are beginning to seek more interactions with peers and are learning how to be a member of a group. We provide activities that allow children to explore and play individually, in small groups, and in large groups. This is the first year we offer planned large group learning experiences for the children. During indoor activity time, children choose from a variety of activities which include art, blocks, dramatic play, manipulatives, language, books and sensory experiences. We believe that children learn by doing.
Program Focus - Four-year-old Group
The primary focus of the four-year-old program is on helping children develop the skills needed to become productive members of a learning community who feel competent in their abilities and who approach learning with eagerness and curiosity. Because four-year-olds are learning to play more cooperatively with each other and because, at this age, play with friends involves more planning and compromise, a new set of social interaction skills is needed. To support these developing skills, much time and attention is given to providing opportunities for all children to develop and sustain ongoing positive relationships with teachers and peers, assisting children in developing problem-solving skills and on helping children learn to play cooperatively. Four-year-olds are intrigued with new ideas and new discoveries. Children learn by doing - by talking, writing, listening, reading, exploring, manipulating and interacting with materials and concepts. Through planned and spontaneous learning experiences developed around identified interests (children's and teacher's) children's emerging skills in the various learning domains (language and literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, physical development and health) are fostered and nurtured thus helping children to develop the skills, dispositions, and concepts needed for ongoing school success.
Program Focus - Kindergarten
The curriculum in the kindergarten is built on the following premises: All children come to school as capable and competent learners and are important and valued members of the learning community. Children want to make sense or their world and their experiences. This learning and understanding occurs in different ways and at different rates for each child and these differences add to the value of the learning environment. To support this growing understanding teachers establish a rich learning environment that affords children the opportunity to explore and gain understanding of important concepts through multiple experiences and in many different ways. Teachers recognize that in order for children to construct understanding, gain desired skills and have the tools needed to interact effectively in the environment some skills/ideas, topics must be addressed in a more focused way. Along with this idea, teachers realize that learning to be a part of a larger group is essential at this stage of development and for future school success. Therefore, teachers provide opportunities daily for focused lessons, small or individual group work and for large group interactions.